Lesson Overview:
01) Jesus Ascends to Heaven. The Upper Room
02) Pentecost: The Outpouring of the Holy Ghost.
The Early Church
03) A Lame Man Healed. Peter’s Address In the Temple
04) Peter and John Arrested. The Church’s Prayer
05) The Sin of Ananias and Sapphira. Continuing
Power In the Church
06) The Growth of the Church. Stephen’s Address
and Martyrdom
07) The Church Is Persecuted. Philip’s Successful
08) Saul’s Conversion Experience. Dorcas
Restored to Life
09) Peter’s Vision. The First Gentile Believers
10) Peter Defends Ministry to the Gentiles.
Disciples Named Christians
11) Herod Persecutes the Christian Church. Peter
Freed From Prison
12) Barnabas and Paul Ordained to the Ministry;
They Turn to the Gentiles
13) Churches Established In Heathen Lands. Paul
Is Stoned