Lesson Overview:
01) God’s Love For Sinners - Parables of the Lost
Sheep, the Lost Coin, & the Lost Son
02) Salvation Through Christ - Parables of the
Hidden Treasure & of the Pearl of Great Price
03) Christian Growth - Parable of the Sower
04) Christ’s Church - Parables of the Mustard Seed
& of the Leaven
05) Christian Service - Parable of the Talents
06) Christian Love - Parable of the Good Samaritan
07) Unfaithful Shepherds - Parable of the Wicked
08) Eleventh Hour Workers - Parable of the
Laborers In the Vineyard
09) Teach Us to Pray - Parables of A Friend In Need
& of the Persistent Widow
10) Character Building - Parable of A Wise and A
Foolish Builder
11) Oil of the Spirit - Parable of the Wise and
Foolish Virgins
12) Christ Our Righteousness - Parable of the
Wedding Feast
13) Christ Our Judge - Parable of the Wheat and